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People's Republic of Myanmar

ပြည်သူ့ သမတနိုင်ငံ မြန်မာနိုင်ငံတော်‌
Myanmarninengantaw Pyishu Sammataninengan

Flag of MyanmarFlag State seal of MyanmarState Seal
"Kaba Ma Kyei"
Myanmar Map
Map of Myanmar showing claimed regions in orange.
Capital Naypyitaw
Largest City Mandalay
Official language Burmese
Official Script Burmese Script
Ethnic Groups
  • 70% Bamar
  • 11% Shan
  • 7% Karen
  • 3% Rakhine
  • 2% Mon
  • 7% others
Government Unitary socialist republic
President Myo U
Legislature Assembly of the People's Republic
Area 596,578 km²
Population 62,403,575
GDP (PPP) $1.33 Trillion
Currency Renminbi (yuan; ¥)

Myanmar, officially the People's Republic of Myanmar (PRM), is a socialist republic in East Asia and a population of over 62 million. Its capital city is Naypyidaw, and its largest city is Mandalay. Myanmar has been a in a union state with China since the end of the Myanma Civil War and is a prominent member of the United Asian Cooperative (UAC) and Shanghai Pact.

Since its the Republic's founding it has been ruled by the Socialist Party of Myanmar.