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People's Republic of Ethiopia

የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝባዊ ሪፐብሊክ
ye-Ītyōṗṗyā Həzbāwī Rīpeblīk

Flag of EthiopiaFlag Emblem of EthiopiaEmblem
"March Forward, Dear Mother Ethiopia"
Ethiopia Map
Map of Ethiopia showing controlled regions in green, owned but not controlled in red-orange and claimed and not controlled in orange.
Capital (and largest city) Addis Ababa
Official languages Amharic
Ethnic Groups
  • 46% Amhara
  • 41% Oromo
  • 4% Tigrayans
  • 4% Others
Government Unitary one-party republic
President Demeke Mekonnen
Legislature Parliamentary Assembly
Upper house House of the Republic
Lower house House of Peoples' Representatives
Area 1,104,300 km² (claimed)

701,200 km² (controlled)

Population 114,270,263
GDP (PPP) $645 billion
Currency Birr (ETB)

Renminbi (yuan; ¥)

Ethiopia, officially the People's Republic of Ethiopia, is a country in the northeastern part of Africa, known as the Horn of Africa. It shares borders with Eritrea to the north, Djibouti to the northeast, Somaliland and the Somali Islamic Republic to the east, the East Africa to the south, the Naath Democratic Republic to the west and Sudan to the northwest. With over 114 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country in the world.

Ethiopia's government is officially unitary one-party republic under the control of the authoritarian Ethiopian People's Party. The government has received criticism over its punitive use of force in dealing with protests and its alleged genocide of Somalis and other muslim minorities during Great African War.

Ethiopia suffered greatly during the Great African War loosing almost 40% of its territories and a significant portion of its population. Even after the 2036 ceasefire fighting continued as the Somali-Ethiopian Crisis. Recently however fighting has somewhat subsided due to the significant Chinese peacekeeping presence.