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Arab Federation
الاتحاد العربي
Alaitihad Alearabiu
Flag of North AfricaFlag Coat of Arms of the Arab Federation (Temp)Coat of Arms
"al-Watan al-Arabiyya"
Arab Federation Map
Map of the Arab Federation.
Capital (and largest city) Cairo
Official languages Arabic
Religion TBD
Government Unitary semi-presidential republic
President Miqdaam el-Guler
Prime Minister Hafsa al-Raad
Legislature Council of the Arab Federation
Constituent Republics
  • Flag of Egypt Egypt
  • Flag of Algeria Algeria
  • Flag of Libya Libya
  • Flag of Hejaz Hejaz
  • Flag of Tunisia Tunisia
  • Flag of Jordan (South) Jordan
Area 4,864,205 km²
Population 218,205,968
GDP (PPP) $7.31 Trillion
Currency Arab Dinar

The Arab Federation is a country that spans North Africa and Western Asia. It consists of 6 constituent Republics, two of which, Hejaz and South Jordan, are disconected from the mainland of Northern Africa.

It borders the Mediterranean Sea to the North, Israel, Mashriq and Saudi Arabia to the East, Sudan, Kanem, the Berber State - which it claims and Mauritania to the south and Morocco to the West.

The Federation is the de-facto leader of the Arab League, as well as a prominent member of both the OIC and UN. It is one of the few regional powers that has rejected both the Shanghai Pact and The Coalition, choosing to stay neutral or even oppose both groups on many matters.

However, the last few years have seen significant improvement in Shanghai Pact - Arab Federation relations, with both the formal recognition of the Jordanian border by Mashriq, and the lifting of the ban on the Ba’ath Party in the Federation.

The Arab Federation would join as an observer to the Shanghai Pact in June 2038. Despite this the Federation still continues to indirectly oppose Shanghai Pact backed forces in both the Somali-Ethiopian Crisis and in Arabia.